Rug, Olbia Shag
Rug, Olbia Shag

Rug, Olbia Shag

Museum für Gestaltung Zürich
Ausstellungsstrasse 60
8031 Zurich
Museum map
Museum für Gestaltung Zürich
Toni-Areal, Pfingstweidstrasse 94
8031 Zurich
Pavillon Le Corbusier
Höschgasse 8
8008 Zürich
Museum map

The small company founded in 1940 by Anton Tischhauser, Sr. in the town of Bühler in the canton of Appenzell originally wove its rugs by hand. In the meantime, Tisca Tiara, a global corporate group with 400 employees, produces various textile floor coverings, rugs, curtains, furniture, and decorative fabrics. Since 1999, the family-run company has operated a handweaving mill in Transylvania, Romania, a region that boasts many expert weavers. Many years of experience and sure instincts are required to produce a rug that is free of defects. The Olbia rugs come in twenty-six textures and ninety-six colors, from classic monochrome flat weaves to voluminous textured landscapes. They are made of high-grade New Zealand sheep’s wool. This natural raw material is combed, dyed, spun into thick yarn, and woven into rectangular, round, or oval formats on semi-automatic looms in a complex process.

Teppich, Olbia Shag
Christoph Aigner, 2014
Tisca Tischhauser AG, CH
Image credits

Teppich, Olbia Shag, 2014, Entwurf: Christoph Aigner
Zeichnung: Weicher Umbruch, Zürich