Poster, Luzern – Lido, ca. 1932
Albert Solbach
Poster, Luzern – Lido,
Albert Solbach,

Poster, Luzern – Lido,
ca. 1932

Albert Solbach
Museum für Gestaltung Zürich
Ausstellungsstrasse 60
8031 Zurich
Museum map
Museum für Gestaltung Zürich
Toni-Areal, Pfingstweidstrasse 94
8031 Zurich
Pavillon Le Corbusier
Höschgasse 8
8008 Zürich
Museum map
  • Luzern – Lido Albert Solbach Poster
  • Luzern – Lido Albert Solbach Poster
  • Luzern – Lido Albert Solbach Poster
  • Luzern – Lido Albert Solbach Poster

In the 1930s, the Life Reform Movement fostered the construction of public baths throughout Switzerland that allowed women and men to enjoy activities together, both in and around the water. Albert Solbach (dates unknown) immortalized Lucerne’s lakeside baths in his poster and paid homage to progressive beliefs in his portrayal of a sporty female water-skier.

The public baths of the 1930s represented a new culture of health and leisure that became possible due to the regulated right to vacation time and evolving moral attitudes. Albert Solbach’s androgynous female protagonist with her toned body and hair hidden under a bathing cap is a direct descendant of Australian champion swimmer Annette Kellermann, who was arrested in 1907 for wearing indecent bathing attire. She subsequently won a court case that finally allowed the one-piece with a short leg to become a popular swimsuit for women.
In his poster, Solbach also drew the eye to Arnold Berger’s (1882–1956) pillared structure housing the changing rooms, which had a captivating lightness and elegance. Many other posters of the time also advertised the new baths. Not only was it acceptable to portray lightly clothed women in this context; the posters were also a nod to modern bathing architecture and one of its pioneers, Beda Hefti (1897–1981). (Bettina Richter)

Plakat, Luzern – Lido, um 1932
Erscheinungsland: Schweiz
Gestaltung: Albert Solbach
Auftrag: Verkehrsverein Luzern, CH
Material / Technik: Lithografie
127 × 90 cm
Eigentum: Museum für Gestaltung Zürich / ZHdK

Association des Amis de l’affiche suisse (Hg.), Paradis à vendre. Un siècle d’affiches touristiques suisses, Neuenburg/Genf 2005.

Bettina Richter, «Von der androgynen Sportlerin zur verführerischen Venus», in: Kunst + Architektur, Nr. 2 (2013), S. 56–63.

Image credits

Plakat, Luzern – Lido, um 1932, Schweiz, Gestaltung: Albert Solbach
Abbildung: Museum für Gestaltung Zürich / ZHdK

Plakat, Diepoldsau, 1934, Schweiz, Gestaltung: Jakob Weder
Abbildung: Museum für Gestaltung Zürich / ZHdK

Plakat, Strandbad Weinfelden, 1935, Schweiz, Gestaltung: Hans Meyenhofer
Abbildung: Museum für Gestaltung Zürich / ZHdK

Plakat, Strandbad Interlaken, 1932, Schweiz, Gestaltung: Martin Peikert, Donation: Suzanne Marie Peikert-Borboën
Abbildung: Museum für Gestaltung Zürich / ZHdK

Plakat, Schwimmbad Heiden, 1932, Schweiz, Gestaltung: unbekannt
Abbildung: Museum für Gestaltung Zürich / ZHdK

Exhibition text
Albert Solbach - Lucerne Lido

Around 1930, men and women were for the first time able to frolic together in and around the newly opened public swimming pools. Albert Solbach, a largely unknown artist and designer, joined many of his peers in choosing an androgynous bather as the focus of his poster for Lucerne’s municipal beach. The elegant colonnaded wing of changing rooms was built in 1929 by Arnold Berger. Shown in the poster with the inscription “Luzern” and a mountain backdrop, the building forms a tranquil horizontal line behind the crossed diagonals of the lakeshore and the woman’s body.