Bowl, Laubwald, 1908
Verreries de Nancy Daum Frères
Bowl, Laubwald,
Verreries de Nancy Daum Frères,
Bowl, Laubwald,
Verreries de Nancy Daum Frères
Museum für Gestaltung Zürich
Ausstellungsstrasse 60
8031 Zurich
Museum map
Museum für Gestaltung Zürich
Toni-Areal, Pfingstweidstrasse 94
8031 Zurich
Pavillon Le Corbusier
Höschgasse 8
8008 Zürich
Museum map
The small bowl with allover ornament featuring a deciduous forest by French glassmakers Daum Frères astounds with its illusionistic qualities. The more the viewer’s gaze penetrates into the depths of the glass surfaces, the more sculpturally palpable the forest becomes.
Dark tree trunks grow up from a sun-drenched forest floor on the flattened sides of the bowl, evoking a romantic woodland atmosphere. Looking beyond their leafy crowns to the inside of the bowl, the light falling through the walls creates a perfect three-dimensional illusion. The extremely intricate enamel painting almost completely covers the colorless glass with its yellow powder inclusions. The vessel itself was blown in a metallic mold. It was then given its final form through elaborate manual cold processing, involving grinding and etching, and finished with painted-on decor—a technique that Daum Frères used even on miniature vases. The brothers Auguste (1854–1909) and Antonin Daum (1864–1930) took over the glassworks in 1887 from their father, Jean (1825-1883), and Daum Frères shifted its focus to producing art glass. In the town of Nancy in eastern France, which next to Paris had developed into a second center of Art Nouveau, they joined the École de Nancy, an association founded in 1901 on the initiative of their competitor Emile Gallé. The aim of the organization was to represent the interests of the Lorraine artists in joint exhibitions as well as to train and promote the next generation of talent. (Sabine Flaschberger)
Schüssel, Laubwald, 1908
Herstellung: Verreries de Nancy Daum Frères, FR
Material/Technik: Glas, Pulvereinschmelzungen, formgeblasen, Hochätzung, Flachfarbenmalerei
10.4 × 15.1 × 12.8 cm
Eigentum: Museum für Gestaltung Zürich / ZHdK
Bernd Hakenjos, Emile Gallé. Keramik, Glas und Möbel des Art Nouveau, hg. von Sigrid Barten und Hans Harder, Dissertation Köln 1973, München 2012.
Museum Bellerive (Hg.), Glas, Historismus, Jugendstil, Zwanziger Jahre, Bd. 2, Zürich 1995.
Schüssel, Laubwald, 1908, Herstellung: Verreries de Nancy Daum Frères, FR
Abbildung: Museum für Gestaltung Zürich / ZHdK
Vase, Krokus, 1906, Herstellung: Verreries de Nancy Daum Frères, FR
Abbildung: Museum für Gestaltung Zürich / ZHdK
Vase mit Montierung, um 1924, Entwurf (Montierung): Louis Majorelle, Herstellung: Verreries de Nancy Daum Frères, FR
Abbildung: Museum für Gestaltung Zürich / ZHdK
Vase, um 1920, Herstellung: Verreries de Nancy Daum Frères, FR
Abbildung: Museum für Gestaltung Zürich / ZHdK
Schale, um 1908, Entwurf: Amalric Walter, Herstellung: Verreries de Nancy Daum Frères, FR
Abbildung: Museum für Gestaltung Zürich / ZHdK
Fotografie, Die Familie Auguste Daum, um 1903
Abbildung: Katharina Büttiker, Daum Frères – Verreries de Nancy: Glaskunst aus der Zeit 1892–1914, Zürich