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Textiles: Ida Störi and Otto Morach

Ausstellungsstrasse 60
8005 Zürich
Museum map
Pfingstweidstrasse 94
8005 Zürich
In the mid-twenties Ida Störi (1904–1979) became a student in Sophie Taeuber’s (1889–1943) textiles class at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Zurich. There she created embroidered trim that is almost architectural—unmistakably influenced by her teacher’s artistic style. After graduation, Störi worked as a designer for the Swiss carpet manufacturer Ennenda, which also selected some pieces by Otto Morach (1887–1973) for its product range. Bowing to the high demand at the time, Morach, known primarily as a painter and graphic artist, also designed woven wool carpets.